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Current Ramp


Your Current Ramp is a representation of the actual space in your Ramp. What you see here reflects the real-time occupancy and layout of your physical Ramp.

Copilot 1Copilot 2Copilot 3

Find the Ramp tab just below the hangar icon in the top left corner. Select "Current Ramp" to enter.

Familiar Interface: The ramp interface is similar to the current hangar, with functions on the top right and metrics and aircraft summaries on the top left.

Manual Placement: Unlike the hangar, the ramp doesn't support Auto-Stacking and Co-pilot features. All aircraft must be placed manually.

Drag and Drop: Use the drag and drop method or towing dynamics to position aircraft. Features like Favorites, Clear, Dump, and Undo are available.

Adjustments: Use the zoom in and out feature for precise adjustments, as the ramp's scale can make even large aircraft appear small.